Try Now

The platform you need to empower your teams to scale their performance

Ingest data

Use WhatsApp to send pdf, excel files, photos, audio, text or integrate other software via API.

Process data

Datapeers are able to consume the data, extract information and organize it is a database.

Deliver information on demand

Do you want to know the progress on sales? pending task? or a deal status? just ask via text or voice and get messages, pdf or dashboards with the information needed.

Get Alerts & Insights

A security incident? a goal achieved? an overdue task? or a reminder? get every alert on a message


Meet our datapeers

We train each DataPeer to assist your company's teams in specific domains and key activities


Danna for Supply Chain

From demand forecasting and inventory management to logistics optimization and operations monitoring for timely alert


Carter for Sales

By streamlining data entry and reporting workflows, it allows sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals more effectively.


Chekup for Health & Safety

By automating the verification of all Health & safety requirements, Chekup enable Developers to be in control of the workers inside their construction site.

Automate Team’s

Goals Tracking

Load or integrate your team's goals, Our agents will be responsible for notifying the fulfillment of the goals, facilitating the registration of new tasks and reporting the general status of compliance.



Automation and

Prioritization of Tasks

Automatic monitoring of records and developments in particular matters of the sales and portfolio teams, projects and supply chain

Consult and Log information

by writing in a chat

Our agents allow users to view information (such as sales data, performance metrics, or portfolio levels) by simply typing a question into a WhatsApp, Slack, or Teams chat.

Carter 4

Carter 5

Access to

Knowledge Base

Make all training resources and guidelines available to your teams, just a question away.

Experience the future of work in

Construction, today

Discover how DataPeers can help you achieve outstanding results with AI agents trained to support your teams.

Datapeers Logo Catapeers Name

Ask Danna, Inc


Beaverton, OREGON, US

Manizales, CALDAS, COL

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